Synergy Touch Intuitive Bodywork

What It Does


Your neck, elbow, knee, hip, hands and feet, they all have something to say. What if your backache is more than just a muscular or skeletal issue? What if it’s telling you it would like more support for a project, job, or in your life? My Intuitive Bodywork can help you hear exactly what that message is.

How It Works


My Deep Tissue Body work and Intuitive Bodywork sessions begin by bringing the mind out of a busy headspace and the body into deep comfort. Working with your own personal 3D primer. It can help you unlock what your body is telling you with that sore back, stiff neck or other niggles that may have nothing to do with a physical cause. We rebalance the body with a variety of techniques and treatments, 

Why I’m Different


By chatting with you and placing my hands on your body, I use all my experience, intuitive and deductive powers of observation to work out what your body feels about a situation, or opportunity, from a change of career to a change of location or even a country.

Your body holds so much information, it will tell you if it needs more support, or to stop micromanaging it, and just let it be.

It is often amazing, because all the questions and answers come from you and your body, it’s always interesting and tailored to you. It’s easy and in the end, often fun.

What about the Reiki? Reiki is at the heart of everything I do. And when your 60 or 90 minute session is up, your body will feel so much more holistically treated.

Conditions It Can Treat


Any musculoskeletal aches or pain or restrictions to range of movement.

What To Expect

  • My treatment includes consultation, assessment & treatment.

  • This is a hands on treatment, but you may leave your clothes on as it is easy to engage with the trigger points.

  • It works through application of pressure or sustained low load stretch.

  • There are absolutely no lotions or oils used.

  • Sessions times are 60 or 90 minutes long.

  • Frequency of sessions depends on individual criteria, including acute conditions  that may require more  regular. 

See my full list of dos and don’t and cancellation policies


What My Clients Say

“I have never met a Bodyworker with such a wide repertoire of skills: cranial, soft tissue, aromatherapy, thought-field, zero-balancing, Rejuvanessance…. all woven into a unique treatment for me as a client for what I need that day. She is a shaman.”


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For all other bookings email

or text UK 07711 670 673 or US +1 360 790 7186