Deep Tissue Bodywork
What It Does
Deep tissue bodywork deals with the deepest layers of muscle tissue to relieve chronic tension, back and neck pain, improve flexibility, range of motion and postural problems and break up scar tissue.
How It Works
Increasingly firm pressure is applied and slow strokes along the length of muscle and across the grain of the muscle to release knots and realign the fibres of the muscles. Synergy Touch is structural integration-based body work. It is considered, intelligent, slow and intentional work, watching the changes register with each stroke or movement.
Why I’m Different
My bodywork is a team effort. You and I will set goals and achieve them together, old patterns of stress and discomfort can be unwound, and more easeful range of movement.
Simply by looking at your body whilst standing will often reveal both the critical patterns in the fascial and muscular tissue that can be the source of pain, misalignment, loss of energy and efficiency. Correctly reading these positions and movements will shed light on how to best achieve and support positive results in each session.
Starting from a comfortable position, we can affect change in the deeper layers, sometimes permanently. Some issues are stand alone, meaning they can be resolved in a single session, whereas with acute, chronic or post-surgery, or injury recovery, often a series of two or three or occasionally more sessions are needed.
Conditions It Can Treat
• Posture
• Flexibility
• Chronic and acute joint and muscle pain
• Scar tissue tethering
• Trigger points
• Recovery from sports related muscle issues
What To Expect
My treatment includes consultation, assessment & treatment.
There is little to no use of oils or lotions.
Sessions will be 60, 90 or 120 minutes long.
This is a hands on treatment, but you may leave your clothes on as it is easy to engage with the trigger points.
It is generally not a painful therapy but there may be some discomfort or pain at certain times during the session as I work on particularly tense areas.
It’s common to feel stiffness or soreness in the 24 hours after a session, if this does not subside after 48 hours contact me.
Treatment may include
Zero Balance
Craniosacral Therapy (CST)
Alexander or Feldenkrais techniques
Somassage® Neuromuscular Therapy
Myofascial Release (MFR) or Myofascial Induction Therapy (MIT)
Plus many other therapies can be used interchangeably.
See my full list of dos and don’t and cancellation policies
What My Clients Say
“Always and without fail, the world seems like a better place after I’ve had a treatment with Cherie.”
T.W.S. photographer
For UK bookings see Book An Appointment page
For all other bookings email
or text UK 07711 670 673 or US +1 360 790 7186